- Altimetry for air traffic controller
- Airspeed definition
- How to use the runway
- Crosswind and Headwind calculation
- Select the runway for take-off and landing
- Traffic information
- Semicircular rules
- Air traffic services
- Radar services
- Flight plan with flight rules Y or Z
- Wake turbulence
- Airspace infringement
- Wake turbulence separation minima
- SID basics
Aerodrome Structure
VFR procedures
Charts and their interpretation
Aircraft instrument and settings
- Aeroplane lights
- [Traffic collision avoidance system – TCAS]
IVAO ATC position
ATC management
- Flight plan validation
- Ground traffic management
- Coordination – general principles
- Coordination – delivery level
- Coordination – ground level
- Aerodrome circuit management
- Tower control management
- Control zone management
- Flight and ATC service priority
- Use of radar in aerodrome control service
- Coordination – tower level
- Flight strip management – tower level
- Emergency basics
- Emergency management – tower level
- Helicopter management
- Airprox